Monday, August 28, 2006

Improbability Drives

More time in London. I had to wait in Banjul to see if I could get on the flight, as it was a standbye deal. (That meaning, I stand and wait to say bye). Actually maybe it's standbuy, because I was also standing waiting to buy the ticket. Hmmm...

The guard tried to get me to give him my MP3 player on the way out. I just kept saying 'no thank you' in a really friendly way. I think he was getting pretty annoyed, but I kept it up with the 'no thank yous', allowing for the difference in communication to annoy him until he passed me through.

London has been fun this time around, I've been walking around the city or hours on end looking for museums. Fortunately, there are many in this city so it has been fruitful hunting.

The second most weird thing in my whole life happened to me yesterday. I was in a theater just North of the Thames, waiting for the movie to start, when I looked to my right. 'That guy looks an awful lot like Matt Voytill' I thought, and after a few seconds I realised, it was. My old roomate from Yellowknife. Through some strange twist in fate we had both ended up in the same theater, in a city of some 4 million people, on the same day, same show, same time... very strange. It got me thinking o the 'improbability drive' of Douglas Adams.

I'm heading home to Canada tomorrow bright and early, and I'm REALLY excited to be home.


Blogger Colleen said...

Ah, that's too cool! I love stuff like that. Talk about a triple take!

Have a safe trip home.

Uh, what was the first weirdest thing?

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, if that was your 2nd most weirdest, I'd sure like to hear something that tops that!

7:09 AM  

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