Sunday, July 02, 2006

Random Gambia Snaps

Here are some photos of normal life here. The porch picture is at the residence where I am staying, the lizardy thing is one of the many geckos, the Ultimate Frisbee match is one of the many sport matches that happen in the evenings, and of course the daily trip to the beach.

Camping 2

Half the adventure of the camping trip was racing around with Moses, our taxi-driver. He successfully dodged police road-blocks (we were 6 in the car), donkeys, bikes, trucks, potholes and all of the other things that find their way to the Gambia roads.

Camping Trip 1

We went camping last weekend, to BoBois Beach. They tried to rip us off so we camped down the beach a few kilometers. It was pretty jenke, which is Wolof for ghetto. There was a guy with a machete, another guy with a gun, an abandoned village and a... well... not so jenke dog that followed us around. I never slept at all.