Friday, June 23, 2006

The Beach

The beach here is AWESOME. I have gone swimming every day so far. Tonight, I went when it was pretty dark. It is a private beach for a hotel beside the MRC, so it has guards and everything, which is kinda handy. The waves are big enough to boogy-board on, and one of my goals here is to find a boogy-board.

The New Shop

Here are a few pictures of the new biomed shop that I am working in. So far I have started a project installing a Curix 60, which is close to the CP1000 X-ray processor's I worked with in Yellowknife. All in all, it looks like a very well set up place.

Flying to Gambia

The Gatwick airport was awesome and huge. Very nifty. The first scenary picture is just outside of London, the brown one is landing near Banjul, Gambia.

HMS Belfast

The HMS Belfast is a cruiser from WW2 that has been turned into a permanent museum. It was a very good couple of hours.

A Day In London

London was rad. Very very different then the North, but similar (in many many ways) to bits of Quebec and bits of Ontario. I drank and lot of Latte's and walked for two days straight.

Alberta Bound

Before I left for Africa, I spent a couple of days in Alberta. Here are some pictures from around Grand Cashe / Grand Prarie.